Weidner J, Kern I, Reinecke I, Bathelt F, Manuwald U, Henke E, Zoch M, Rothe U, Kugler J
A systematic review and meta-regression on international trends in the incidence of ulcerative colitis in children and adolescents associated with socioeconomic and geographic factors.
European journal of pediatrics (2024), DOI Link
  Weidner J, Glauche I, Manuwald U, Kern I, Reinecke I, Bathelt F, Amin M, Dong F, Rothe U, Kugler J
Correlation of Socioeconomic and Environmental Factors With Incidence of Crohn Disease in Children and Adolescents: Systematic Review and Meta-Regression.
JMIR public health and surveillance 10 (2024) e48682, DOI Link
  Zhou X, Kern I, Rothe U, Schoffer O, Weidner J, Richter T, Laass MW, Kugler J, Manuwald U
Growth development of children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease in the period 2000-2014 based on data of the Saxon pediatric IBD registry: a population-based study.
BMC gastroenterology 24 (2024) 25, DOI Link
  Reinecke I, Siebel J, Fuhrmann S, Fischer A, Sedlmayr M, Weidner J, Bathelt F
Assessment and Improvement of Drug Data Structuredness From Electronic Health Records: Algorithm Development and Validation.
JMIR medical informatics 11 (2023) e40312, DOI Link
  Weidner J
IBD: Who Knows Best?
Digestive diseases and sciences (2023), DOI Link
  Dong F, Kern I, Weidner J, Kügler K, Rothe U, Amin M, Laaß MW, Flemming G, Winkler U, Richter T, Kugler J, Manuwald U
Clinical course of new-onset Crohn's disease in children and adolescents in dependency of age, initial location, initial severity level and therapy over the period 2000-2014 based on the Saxon Pediatric IBD-Registry in Germany.
PloS one 18 (2023) e0287860, DOI Link
  Kählig M, Susky M, Hickmann E, Grummt S, Richter D, Richter P, Weidner J, Sedlmayr M, Seim A
Multi-Case-Studie zu Barrieren und förderlichen Faktoren der digitalen Kompetenz von Patienten – Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz
HMD (2023), DOI Link
  Bathelt F, Reinecke I, Peng Y, Henke E, Weidner J, Bartos M, Gött R, Waltemath D, Engelmann K, Schwarz PE, Sedlmayr M
Opportunities of Digital Infrastructures for Disease Management-Exemplified on COVID-19-Related Change in Diagnosis Counts for Diabetes-Related Eye Diseases.
Nutrients 14 (2022), DOI Link
  Bergmann A, Petermann J, Funck S, Bothur M, Flohrs K, Tesch F, Weidner J, Riemenschneider H
Antibiotikaverordnungen in der ambulanten hausärztlichen und gynäkologischen Versorgung in Sachsen am Beispiel unkomplizierter Zystitis – das Projekt AvoZyst
Spitzenforschung in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (2022) S. 8 – 12
  Kern I, Schoffer O, Richter T, Kiess W, Flemming G, Winkler U, Quietzsch J, Wenzel O, Zurek M, Manuwald U, Hegewald J, Li S, Weidner J, de Laffolie J, Zimmer KP, Kugler J, Laass MW, Rothe U
Current and projected incidence trends of pediatric-onset inflammatory bowel disease in Germany based on the Saxon Pediatric IBD Registry 2000-2014 -a 15-year evaluation of trends.
PloS one 17 (2022) e0274117, DOI Link